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In order to participate at Industry Dance Co. we require all individuals to complete the following prior to entry:
Read and understand Industry Dance Co.'s COVID-19 Policies
Complete our online daily screening checklist
Sign our COVID-19 Waiver
Waivers MUST be filled out and sent in each time upon your visit at Industry Dance Co. Failure to do so will result in a missed class.
As we navigate through the current COVID-19 situation we have created new gym policies that must be strictly adhered to. Please note that this document is fluid and will be updated as the COVID-19 situation evolves.
All clients must complete our Online Daily COVID-19 Screening Questions each time they enter our facility.
In an effort to protect our community and to eliminate the potential risk of COVID-19 within our community, we have decided to temporarily suspend parent and patron viewing at this time. We are now asking that parents, caregivers and patrons to drop their child off outside of our facility 5 minutes prior to class. An Industry staff member will be outside of our building taking temperatures, sanitizing clients upon entry and will provide each client with COVID-19 Screening Questions.
Should your child need an adult present for any unforeseen circumstances, ONE adult can be present while they're in class. Additional family members such as siblings, grandparents and spouses are not able to enter with you at this at this time. Should a parent and/or caregiver have to enter our facility they must also complete a COVID-19 Daily Screening Checklist as well as receive a temperature check and sanitize.
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