Ensuring your child is dressed appropriately for their specific class is incredibly important, as dancers must be able to move comfortably without feeling restricted or limited due to their attire. Wearing the proper and appropriate attire for class also allows instructors and teachers to see the dancers posture and alignments.
To prevent lost items, we kindly ask parents and guardians to please label your child’s shoes. All students should also be aware of good grooming and hygiene. Please ensure your pre-teen and teenage children use a good anti-perspirant or deodorant as they will be sweating in class. Please remind children to always wash their hands before returning to class after using the washroom.
Ballet Slippers in Light Pink for girls and in Black for boys.
Pulled back and off the dancers face in a ballet bun or a pony tail.
Ballet leotard, ballet pink tights (convertible or footed.) Boys should wear a plain t-shirt and athletic shorts.
Clean, indoor running shoes/sneakers.
Loose, baggy clothing that dancers are able to move comfortably in. Acceptable attire includes, tank tops, t-shirts, hoodies, jerseys, sweatpants, joggers, track pants, baggy denim, etc.
Beige or Black Jazz Shoes (Bloch or Capezio.)
Hair pulled back and off the dancers face in a bun or a pony tail.
Comfortable, fitted clothing such as a fitted athletic tank tops, dance top/sports bra, fitted t-shirt or bodysuit/leotard. Acceptable bottoms include beige tights and “dance shorts” or capri/full-length leggings. Boys should wear a plain t-shirt and athletic shorts.
Dance Paws, Half Sole Shoes, NO socks.
Hair pulled back and off the dancers face in a bun or a pony tail.
Comfortable, fitted clothing such as a fitted athletic tank tops, dance top/sports bra, fitted t-shirt or bodysuit/leotard. Acceptable bottoms include beige tights and “dance shorts” or capri/full-length leggings. Boys should wear a plain t-shirt and athletic shorts.
Dancers are required to wear specific attire in each class. For your convenience, all dance attire needed for your child’s dance class can be purchased right here at Industry Dance Co. If you’re interested in purchasing dancewear and/or shoes for your child's class, please fill out and complete our “Dancewear Order Form” below.
Prior to completing our “Dancewear Order Form,” please complete the following steps below, to ensure your dancer knows their correct size. Please remember, dance shoes fit differently than street shoes.
STEP #1:
We get it... Sizing can be tricky, especially dance shoe sizing! Before browsing our Dancewear Order Form, be sure to click the link below to find your shoe size.
STEP #2:
Never heard of a shoe width? Don't worry, we'll explain... It's a dance thing.
STEP #3: